About us

About Hausglanz

Founded in 2023, Hausglanz is your dedicated online retailer for high-quality household goods. We firmly believe that aesthetics and functionality should go hand in hand - especially when it comes to our own home.

Our team is composed of passionate experts who aim to enhance well-being within our own four walls. We have curated a range of carefully selected products that strike the perfect balance between beauty and practicality. Each product we offer meets high standards in terms of quality, durability, and design.

We place great importance on providing you not only with products but also with an outstanding shopping experience. At Hausglanz, the customer is at the center - our goal is to assist you as best as we can in finding the best products for your home.

Our mission is to make your home a place that reflects comfort and style in every detail. We take pride in helping you transform your living space into an oasis of aesthetics and functionality.

We thank you for your trust in Hausglanz and look forward to accompanying you on your journey to a more beautiful and comfortable home.